Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Truth About Lies by Tracy Darnton . Review

The story is set in Dartmoor in England and is about a girl called Jess who is exceptionally smart , her memory is incredible , she can remember every single thing that has ever happened to her , both good and bad , eek!

When her roommate falls to her death it all begins a spiral into her past as she tries to figure out who is friend or foe and if everything she is remembering is true or could she be missing something . 

This was a great read , the story goes back and forth in time and we get glimpses of her younger life and why she is the way she is now , the story keeps you guessing and I had to read it all in one go it was just so enticing. I also really enjoyed the memory games throughout the book , they were really fun and probably the reason why it took me so long to finish this  great read . Go get this , Jess is amazing ! 

I received this book for review form the lovely people over at

This book is being published July 2018 and will be available from all good bookstores then. 

Below please find a link :

Knit , Purl , Die by Anne Canadeo . Review

 This is book 2 in the Black Sheep Knitting Mystery series by Anne Canadeo featuring all my favorite characters from book 1 ( While My Pretty One Knits ) . In this book the Black Sheep Knitters are stunned by a death of one of their own in a most grim manner and it’s up to the ladies to find out just what exactly did happen to their friend  . I loved this book as much as the first ......  the camaraderie in the knitting group .... the small town setting ...... the interesting characters and the plot with a huge twist at the end ... it was awesome ! 
I can’t recommend this series high enough , if you enjoy your mysteries with a side of crafts then these are the books for you . I have already began the next book , book 3 in the series and I am loving it . Go get this! 

Author Website: