Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cozy Mystery Haul.

I have gorgeous cozy mysteries books by Lorraine Bartlett to shone you today . I am so excited to be starting this series this week as I am up to date on her Booktown mystery series and have recently read and loved her new book in a new series which I reviewed a few days ago called With Baited Breath . If you have never read a cozy mystery before I think this author would be great to start with. The Booktown mystery series by Lorna Barrett ( Lorraine's other author name) was  what I first came across and fell in love with so please check these wonderful books out. You won't regret it! 
Below is books 1-3 in the Victoria Square Mystery series. 
 A Crafty Killing is book 1
The walled flower is book 2
0ne Hot murder is book 3

If you follow the link below it will take you to Lorraine's website where you can find links to her other media pages and lots of info on her books and other lovely bookish bits and bobs.

The Hollow Heart by Martina Devlin . Review And My Own Personal Views/ feelings

As you guys know I lost my fourth baby last month and I went in search for some books that talked about the experience of trying to have babies but I did not want to read about the medical side of it which I have heard much about in the 12 years since I started trying to have a baby. So I found Martina's book and here at last I found some hope , understanding that only someone with a lot of multiple losses can understand will appreciate. Every woman who has been through similar stories will understand the invasive , clinical , often heartbreaking , tense emotional roller coaster that is trying to have a baby , the worry of living through the preganancy with your baby and the hope of coming out the other side of nine months , mother and baby in tact with their lives ahead of them. Until I first got pregnant I thought of it as exciting and dreamy and perfect. Oh how I wish I felt that same happy feeling with each individual pregnancy I have had afterwards... Martina in her book tells it just like it is, the physical pain, worry, everything is covered, the drugs, the stress in relationships the overwhelming desire to have your own baby that some take for granted and unfortunately the disappointments. 
I found this book comforting in a way hearing someone else say out loud the things women worry and think about when they have multiple losses , when each loss makes hope die a little more and future preganancies extra stressful and free from the joyfulness that they would ideally have. They way she wrote about seeing other babies , being there for friends and family who have new born babies when you may have only recently lost your own baby. 
I recommend this to those who have lost babies through miscarriage, ectopic , IVF . 
This book shows the true strength that a woman can have, that she never knew she could have ,and how that strength carries you on to the next stage of your life whatever that may be. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hidden by Emma Kavanagh . Review

This story is told through the eyes of different characters.. We have the unknown gunman who reeks havoc in a hospital and a psychologist Imogen and the police officer Aidan who is trying to catch this guy before he causes more harm. I really enjoyed seeing the story through each characters eyes. It gave us background to their individual stories and how they all are somehow linked. There were some surprises here I did not see coming and the build up towards the middle to the end of the book was really gripping and I could not put the book down at that stage. Although you have the story an the gunman there is underlying stories too which made this a very satisfying read. If you like a thrilling story with a good build up then get this as soon as it comes out. 

I received this book for review from the lovely people over at
This book is due to be released in April   2015 and you will be be able to purchase it on the lovereading website then and all other good bookstores.
Below please find a link to this book on their website .

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Allergic Reaction..bah humbug!

It was a rough night last night. I had another horrible allergic reaction very quickly last night and as usual it happens quickly. My face ,neck, hands and part of arm reacted with swelling ,redness , prickly heat sensations as well as burning and nerve pain.The doctors met me at the health centre and yesterday in total I needed four large doses of two types of antihistamines injections/tablets and steroids. After injections and everything I was in shock and could not stop shaking and being cold. 
This is the fifth or sixth reaction in about 6-8 months and it really gets me down. Being afraid all the time , having to carry large handbag just to carry Epi pens( two in case one needle breaks or does not work) 
Steroids, two types of antihistamines, two different inhalers. I am waiting to see immunologist but I am scared every day as I don't know what is causing it , there seems to be no real pattern to it and the allergic reactions can differ hugely from mild to where I need 999 help straight away.
Hopefully it will settle again but I will try and keep updating you . 
As usual I hope to keep reading and reviewing every other day or so. Thanks for sticking around buddies,  I hope not much will change on my blog ,you just might need to bear with me for a few weeks as the blog posts may be sporadic . 

In My Mailbox

Look at the goodies that arrived today!!! Gorgeous review books
Kazuo Ishiguro , The Buried Giant
The Girl In The Red Coat by Kate Hamer
The Pocket Wife by Susan Crawford
The Last Pier by Roma Tearne

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Other Girl by Nicole Burstein . Review

This is the story about a teenager called Louise , if it was not bad enough being a teenager in the first place imagine if your best friend Erica was an undercover superhero in present day with some really hot superpowers. Of course being the sidekick to a superhero is not easy, there is the constant fear of getting fund out , helping repair outfits and trying to live your own life too. This was a a fun read , I really enjoyed these characters especially the friendship between Louise and Toby , it was adorable ! The one character I did not enjoy was good looking bad boy Jay... The secret superhero world building was  great fun and it was fun to imagine secret societies like this . I recommended this to any YA fan, esp if you like comic books .

I received this book for review from the lovely people over at Lovereading4kids. 
This book is being published April 2015 and will be available on lovereading4kids and all other good bookstores then. 
Below please find a link to this book on the lovereading4kids website. 

Journal Goodies

Today I got fun mail from Planner Kate. Thank you so much Kate , everything is beautiful and I am so pleased with it all. Link below. 
These are for my planner,.....some dashboards and stickers to brighten up my journal. pretty!
Below you can follow the link to Kate's beautiful shop on Etsy. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Nickeled and Dimed to Death by Denise Swanson . Review .

Small town Shadow bend in Missouri is the setting for this wonderful cozy mystery series by Denise Swanson featuring curvaceous sleuth Deveraux Sinclair as Dime store owner in the town. When a woman ends up dead and Dev realises she recently bought things from the deceased it does not take long to see that there was many reasons that this woman died under mysterious circumstances , this woman was hiding secrets that would not go down well if they were revealed all thanks to her louse of an ex husband.
In this second book in this series Deveraux is being pulled in all directions in her love life while trying to be there for her good friend Boone who really needs some support . Her work life is going well but something she bought for the store leads her to some problems that only seem to escalate. 
I really enjoy this series , one of my favourite characters is Dev Boone and his one liners, when Dev and Boone are having conversations it is really amusing. I would love to see more of him in this series. This story had some real laugh out moments and some more tender thought felt ones too not forgetting a mystery in the center of it all. Another gem by this awesome writer. I recommend reading any of Denise's  books or series in no particular order as they are all awesome. 

Book three in this series is coming out very soon and below I am going to leave a link to Denise's web page where you find out more about it. 

Hospitals Are Horrid, Books Are Not!

Today was the first hospital day . A plan was worked out for the test days and weeks and it's all a bit daunting right now , I came out with my head full of details and things to remember , the rest of me filled with apprehension and ok... Fear.. But a least there is some form of a plan in action .

As soon as I got out of hospital I went straight for .... Costa Coffee .. A haven that contains hugs in mugs as far as I am concerned. Hot chocolate was needed ! 

By the time I got home it was time for dinner and now a few books to read before some well needed sleep . Sometimes I think books should be handed out after seeing doctors with instructions for when you get home , read two chapters morning and night for a week and you will feel much better... make them funny ones and we would be half way to a big smile on our faces and feeling tons better in no time!
Until next time x x x x x x

In My Mailbox

Hi guys! Back to you with some awesome review books I got sent. The Beneath by S . C . Ransom is a YA book. I love this cover , beautiful , yet eerie.
Another YA book is this gorgeous one by Nicole Burstein called Other Girl.
I love how the back of the book looks like a comic strip ! I was a fan of comics as a kid and I am getting more into graphic novels so this really appeals ! Anyone else love She-Ra back on the day ???? :0)  Girl Power!!!! 
You can expect reviews for these two lovelies this week. Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reading This Week

These are the books I will be dipping into this week, some audio for when I can't sit down and read or concentrate enough. Wishing you all a great reading week. Xxxxxxx 

With Baited Breath by Lorraine Bartlett (book 1)

Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness ( book 2)
The Book of Life by Debroah Harkness (book 3)
I am Listening to two audiobooks this week ( book 3)
Bricks and Mortality by Ann Granger
Nickeled and Dimed to Death by Denise Swanson( book 2)

With Baited Breath by Lorraine Bartlett . Review

This is the first book in the lotus Bay mystery series by Bestselling author Lorriane Bartlett although you might know her better under her other name Lorna Barrett .
The main character is called Tori and she has come to the bay to help her grandfather. Since her grandma passed away her grandad Herb has let the fishing tackle shop , and bed and breakfast go to rack and ruin and as her friend Kathy is at a loose end and up for a challenge she decides to help him out, big time! Lots of work needs to be done and help is going to be needed so it's going to be all hands on deck.
The story had everything I could want from a cozy mystery,a great setting, interesting characters that I could really believe were friends , and enough information about them that I felt invested in them. I really enjoyed this story, it felt very real ,like we were seeing these people starting this new journey of their lives from scratch, it feels very promising and I love all the character relationships .The bay sounds like a place I would put on my bucket list to visit and this is a series I will definetly be carrying on with. Truly wonderful !

Sunday Evening Blues

Sunday evenings to me usually mean that I have been out walking( no matter what the weather) , that I have been cooking, eating and reading ...but tonight is different. I feel unsettled this last week as I know I have hospital this week and I am scared , yep  scared. Miscarriage investigations are not two words that are likely to give much comfort to most people even though their point is to find out what's wrong and fix what is possible or determine what has perhaps caused previous baby losses. I feel uneasy, it feels like someone is squeezing my stomach tight and i can't settle , today picking up a book and reading it has been a battle of wills between my attention and the worry side of my brain.
It feels like a lot of my life is riding on the outcome of what a doctor who has not met me before is going to say to me.... If this doctor realises it or not I am not a number , I need reassurance , I need them to be straight with me no matter what the answers are , but to give them answers in a gentle manner where they can see me as someone , not just a number , someone who wanted to be a mother so badly they kept trying through fears , tears  and pain both physical and psychological.
I need them to know that I may be a small part of their day but I will remember everything they say in my head for days ,weeks , years after. 
This year is will be 11 years since I started trying to be a mum , I lost my first baby, Friday 13th August 2004 , I remember it so clear that at times I have to force myself to not think of it, the pain is still raw , my hands shake , my voice changes and I am instantly back there again to that time that I never want to go through again. That miscarriage was horrific and time has not healed that memory at all. I wish it had , I wish I could find some good that could come from what happened but I can't. Now 11 years later I am here ,without my babies ,wondering what happens next.....

I have questions for my doctor that I have written down.
I have worries tonight about what they are going to say to those questions.
I wonder if I will ever be a mum or are my four angels in heaven all that was ever meant for me.
I wonder will I die trying to have another baby or should I count whatever blessing I have and stop now.
I am writing all this down as a way to get it out of my head so that I am acknowledging what's happening but trying to find some sort of answers and control to get through this week. 

There are times I wish I knew what the future held , but then .... maybe we are better off not knowing. 
I am sorry to finish the week on a sad note but I hope you won't mind me writing all this down. 
Below is a link to Beyonce's song Heartbeat. It has given me comfort.
Until next time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, February 20, 2015

We Are All Made Of Molecules by Susin Nielsen. Review

This is the touching and funny story about a young boy called Stewart who moves with his dad into his dad's girlfriends house . This is made more uncomfortable then it needs to because of his dad's girlfriends daughter Ashley who pretty much hates anyone that is not in her close personal friendship circle. Stewart is younger then Ashley but extremely gifted and very witty. He is a little charmer who if I met in real life I would want to be friends with. These four people now have to co exist in one house even though Ashley hates every minute of it and is determined to be difficult .Stewarts entire life changes when he moves in, that includes a new school and new friends and with that comes it's own complications. Just being yourself   Is brave when everyone else wants you to act just like them and Stewart is this awesome person who does not pretend to be someone he is not , and it makes this an inspiring uplifting read . I recommend this to everyone ! 

I received this book for review from the lovely people over at Lovereading4kids.
This book is going to be published in April 2015 and will be available on the lovereading4kids website and all other good bookstores then.
Below please find a link to this book on the Lovereading4kids website.

Something From Tiffany's by Melissa Hill. Review

If you are feeling a little down about love and need a book to give you a sense of hope about love and the magical way it can bring the right people together at the right time then look no further then this wonderful book. At the center of the story is a widower called Ethan who is hoping that a Christmas gift from the famous Tiffany's will change his life , and that of his daughter Daisy ...close by is another man called Gary who is calling into Tiffany's for a last minute , grab something that will "do" for his girlfriend . 
Both these men come into each other's lives in an unusual way and the fun begins here. The two men are the complete opposite of each other, Ethan is sweet and thoughtful and Gary is witless, selfish and just plain horrid to the point where you keep shaking your head while reading the book going OMG you jerk!!!!! But !!! it makes  great reading ,and I did not put the book down from when I started it. I love this author, this is the second book I have read by her this year so far... I hope to read a lot more by Melissa Hill. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

In my mailbox

Hi guys just a quick post to let you know what was in my mailbox today .. 
Gorgeous bookish lovliness ! 
We Are All Made Of Molecules by Susin Nielsen. This is a YA book .

Hidden by Emma Kavanagh is a story about an unidentiified gunman stalking wards of a local hospital! Talk about a great setting! Guaranteed to make even the most confident if readers uneasy!

The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins . Review

The girl on the train is a story about a woman called Rachel.... Rachel catches the train every day to and from work but one day sees something that makes her feel very uneasy. The trouble with Rachel is that she is an unreliable narrator as she is an alcoholic so her thoughts are often jumbled up and her memories and timeline are unreliable. So when she tries to help police with what she saw while on the train she is treated with less respect then she should have received.Not everything is black and white in this story and quite frankly there is more red herrings then you can imagine which makes this the most wonderful mystery . I was guessing and going back on my guesses so many times that it made it hard to put the book down or I would lose my pace with what was going on. There is not many characters in the book but they are intricately linked and time upon time I felt sympathy for a character, but then mere pages later doubt myself and that characters credibility . I recommend this for anyone who likes a Whodunnit, or if you previously enjoyed Gone Girl. Awesome! I would definetly read more by this author as this had a great build up of  tension and urgency not to mention character building ! 

That Girl From Nowhere by Dorothy Koomson. Review

This is the story about a woman called Clemency Smittson , sometimes known as Smitty or Clem by friends and family. Clem was adopted by two loving people and had a wonderful upbringing with them but after a major life event she decides to move away for an exciting fresh start and this is where all the story begins to come together. Clem makes jewellery,  and her favourite part is making it from someone's old jewelry , through a chance meeting with someone through her business her family life is about to come to the forefront of her life changing it forever. The story covers many topics...betrayal, bullying, adoption , love ,secrets and it does each incredibly well. 
I recommend this to anyone adopted or who has adopted children as I am adopted and I found this authors way of capturing the feelings and emotions you go through to be very true to life and the story delicately told . I will certainly be reading more by this author in the future, without a doubt!

I received this book for review from the lovely people over at 
This book will be published in April 2015 and will be available through the link below then , and at all other good bookstores . 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bed Time Reading

There are some nights just after I close my eyes ,before I fall asleep I dream of all the books that are going to be released soon and the gorgeous covers of books I have read recently or quotes that have stuck in my head long after the books have been finished. Tonight I am still reading the same books as last night and I am at the point of the stories where I am invested in these characters... That's the bit that often makes or breaks a book... The pinnacle ... Will it all go down hill after this or will I finish the book then go in search of every other book this author has written and gobble them down hungrily .....Time will soon tell. Can you tell if a book is going on your  FAVOURITE shelf before you get to the end of the book???? Have you often been right???? I would love to know any of your favourite books! 

Below is a picture of when I was sleeping in my library.... My bedroom was being decorated at the time so I fell asleep each night here with some truly spectacular heros,heroines , magical worlds and adventures all around me... That's probably as close to nirvana as one can hope to get..... 
Well goodnight friends... May your dreams be peaceful and happy x x x 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Bed Time Reading

Almost finished both these books . Both soooo good , both very different. I can't wait to review them. Night night folks xxx sleep tight xxxx

You're A Crafty One!

Okay the jig is up... Yep..time to admit it... I love to journal! There is not a sticker, washi tape, gel pen , sticky note or planner that is going to be able to entice me away from it .. Books will always be by backbone but all the cutesy stuff used to journal / scrapbook will just continually make me smile. Did you like stickers as a kid ???? Think of this as the grown up much cooler nerdier version of awesomeness. I am only a beginner in comparison to some of the fabulous journaling ladies out there . I have seen all the planners ......beautiful Kate Spade, Erin Condren, Kiki K, Orla Kiely, Cath Kidston . Seriously just the planners themselves are enough to get excited about but if you add in all the cute extras that set you up for your year then it becomes something to look forward to each week and day.
Be it planning blog posts, housework , jobs to be done, appointments , you have a place for it ,and if you have found the right accesories it can be sparkly , cute and you will have fun.
I left it a tad late to get my glamour gear together ( journal etc) as I had no intention of keeping a diary this year but the sticky notes and things written on the back of receipts got a little excessive and this came at the right time they say all things meant for you come to you at the right time ...esp when I through out a bunch of receipts I realised I needed ... I swore things would have to change !
So I went searching innocently for a planner and a journal. The planner is for appointments , dates to remember etc , the journal is for more of my blog ideas, reviews, book wish lists  , picture ideas ,etc etc...there is so many out there that I was overwhelmed.. If I lived in the USA Some of the more popular journal companies may have tempted me but I went local and I found these two cuties which I love and they both thankfully fit in my bag although I don't tend to need to carry both with me. 

Because I want to keep the inside tidy while still making lots of notes these little sticky note pads come in very handy and can brighten up any journal .

Stickers draw daily attention to the things you don't want to miss like medication or doctors appointments.

Family occasions and birthday cards that need to go out, bills that need to be paid, shopping lists and so on there is no end to all things we have to remember every week. 

Washi tape and some labels and stickers can turn a week schedule into a brightly colour coordinated easy to read at a glance cheerful page that is fun to use.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dispatching Baudelaire by Ken Bruen. Review

I knew nothing about this book when I picked it up , but this novella was a gritty little gem well worth picking up. A sensible accountant going  about his sensible life one day meets a woman in a bar and his life quickly and drastically alters ... It's hard to really tell if it was for better or worse but it sure did make this a fantastic read and gave his life the jump start it severely needed . In here was a bunch of characters that would be priceless to meet in real life! Go read this straight away! I am off now to see if I can find more books by this writer ! 

Sunday Afternoon

Hi guys! Hope you are all well. It's a rainy day here today and the thoughts of venturing outside are about as appealing as housework right now. This is definitely a day for books and tea and below are a few of the books I have been dipping into today. They are all really good! 
The Girl On The train by Paula Hawkins. Reading and loving!!!!
That girl From Nowhere by Dorothy Koomson. Just starting this but I am loving this authors writing style. 
Dispatching Baudelaire by Ken Bruen  . I don't know much about this book but the  cover really intrigued me when I was at the library this week . I had to pick it up!
I love this series by Patricia Cornwell , I am so excited to read this!!!!!